10 COMMANDMENTS - My Take By Fadip Kwamkur Qwamie I watched with keen attention the rhetorics that trailed the dedication of the Yeshua Kingdom International AKA The 10 commandments Ministry in Jos. Remember that any opinion held by anyone regardless of political affiliation is their own personal opinion and not of the generality of the community they emanate from. I appreciate and admire what Dara Jonah Jang has achieved in his lifetime and i admonish every Plateau patriot to give Honour to whom Honour is due rather than falling into the callous hands of our adversaries by cleaning our dirty linen in public. Let us retreat for a moment and ask ourselves some salient questions, would this dedication have been trailed by political narratives if it was embarked upon by someone else other than Dara Jonah Jang? Would this have even been up for debate if it was an edifice that is significant to a different religion? Now back to the Governor's absence at the event, His Excellency, Rt Ho...