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THERE IS REDEMPTION - Doctor. Jamchang Fabong


We had dissenting opinions on the Nigerian question and our collective existence long before I was born. The tensions got worse in the late 80’s and by the mid 90’s, we had skirmishes and pockets of tensions that claimed lives under the guise of religion and regional brouhaha. These continued, and by 2001, we had a full-blown terror like invasion.
It all started in my homeland.

The experimentation with terrorism started in the heart of the Tarok nation. Our people were maimed, killed and destroyed. In one night at some point, we lost over 200 persons. The entire Plateau people labelled the Tarok nation “hostile”. We were described as a terrible people who are expansionists in nature, and will take whatever does not belong to us. But it was a struggle for our land.

It gradually outspread the Tarok nation to the entire southern zone. In one night, over 2000 persons lost their lives in Yelwa Shendam, Garkawa and environs. The elites could no longer go home for the fear of the unknown. There was gross lacking in wisdom. Then the central zone was gulped and many lost their ancestral homes to marauders. Some leaders on the Plateau blamed the then Governor and even conspired to remove him from office. They eventually did.

It was soon the turn of the northern zone on the Plateau. It was a massive massacre and blood bath. We lost count of the number of lives lost in crises. Our streets flowed with the blood of innocent people and we also committed heinous crimes even against the innocent in attempt to salvage the little that was left of us. We were quick to forget where it all started. The shocking part of this unfortunate carnage was that, there was a conspiracy of silence in the country. The entire country (Nigeria) designated Plateau people as “hostile” to visitors and we were tagged misanthropic and antagonistic people.

Our children were despised, disfavored, and got massive disapprovals for promotions and upliftment even in the Federal Civil Service. The whole country was unashamed of the treatment they gave us. In our fatherland, we were attended to as leprous people, and in certain climes and vexatious narration, we were simply paying for sins committed against our brothers during the Biafran war. Yes, my sons were also told that in my local Church…

Today, the entire country, from the Sahel to the lagoon and ocean is not at peace. Suddenly, everyone is not spared. Those who described us as weaklings and thought it may never get to their doorsteps have all swallowed their words. Those who boasted and never saw these evil because they were blinded with power and some with emotions are suddenly the most vociferous. The high and mighty have been demystified. The chickens have come home to roost.

But who are these people that have constituted a source of pain to Nigeria? They all come from families, communities, tribes and places we know. Some are our children, fathers, mothers, husbands, friends and what have we. We had celebrated some of these persons at some point in time. Assuming we have foreigners amongst them, they certainly are a mixture of these and locals.

Every society knows the bad people in their communities. In concerted effort to cover for these bad people, the society is never a fair place to be. Again, who is Government? Does government exist outside the people? Can the people defile those who lead them? What is the place of our traditional leaders, religious leaders and community leaders? Why have we abdicated so much? Assuming “government” has failed, what are “we” doing about these? Are we raising militias? Have we considered what may befall us when there are no more enemies to fight? Yes, we are still battling with the menace of proliferation of small and light weapons everywhere.

Can the blame game stop at this point? Can we come together and salvage the little that is left of us? Yes, we can. We all have a responsibility. Those fanning the embers of war should know they won’t be isolated from it. It is easier to talk and shout and chant and to blame and to be a willing tool in the hands of desperate citizens who understands our psyche. They cash in on the happenings to score cheap points. But if we are not quick to forget, these too are a constant reoccurrence.

From the story of my redemption as a Christian, things may never get better. It is an obvious sick world. In the best of climes and systems, violence and shootings have dominated every sphere. The Revelations and fulfillment of times is manifesting. But we have grace. We will continue to do our best, talk to our people, reorient those who are young and pray for people in position of leadership. It’s an injunction…

Very soon, hearings will be conducted across the geopolitical zones by the Senate. Can we take a bold step and speak out at these hearings? Can we reduce the depressing notes we post on social media and match same with our patriotic presentations at these hearings? It is possible to demand accountability from our leaders.

The leaders of our great nation must rise to the occasion and deliver leadership in justice and righteousness. Leaders must also remember they are accountable not just to the people they lead, but also to God.

God bless Nigeria.


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